Typically used in the production or in the stations of scientific research, a clean room is a controlled environment that has a low level of pollutants such as dust, airborne microbes, aerosol particles and chemical vapors. To be precise, a cleanroom has a controlled level of contamination specified for the number of particles per cubic meter to the specified particle size.


The Cleanrooms are used in almost every area where the smaller particles may adversely affect the production process. They vary in size and complexity, and are extensively used in industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and life sciences, as well as critical process manufacturing common in aerospace, optics, military and Generators of Energy.
A clean room is a given content space in which there are dates provisions for reducing particle contamination and controlling other environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity and pressure. The key component is the filter High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter that is used to trap particles that are 0.3 microns and larger. All the air flow of a cleanroom goes through HEPA filters, and in some cases where it is necessary for rigorous cleaning performance, are used Filters Ultra Low Particulate Air (ULPA) filters that are
Absolute superior to HEPA.

Working Principles

The Cleanroom keep the air free of particulates through the use of HEPA or ULPA according to principles of laminar or turbulent airflow. Laminar, or unidirectional, are those systems to direct the flow of filtered air down in a steady stream. For proper design a Clean Room need to know how to place the filter modules air delivery but also know the type of work that needs to be done in Clean Rooim. For this reason, each type of Clean Room ALTI FILTER is studied together with the client to understand the needs and create productive areas of input-output of both staff of the product in relation to what is needed really.